mo deling, v erification and testing of d ependable cri tical systems
in conjunction with 9th International Conference on Model & Data Engineering (MEDI 2019)
Toulouse, France, 28-31 October, 2019
The International Workshop DETECT 2019 will be held in conjunction with 9th International Conference on Model & Data Engineering (MEDI), Toulouse, France (28-31 October 2019). DETECT 2019 will provide to the scientific community a dedicated forum for discussing and representing experiences, state-of-the-art reports and work in-progress related to the model-based engineering on design, verification and testing of dependable critical systems.
All accepted papers will be published in Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS) by Springer.
All papers presented in DETECT 2019 will be invited for a special issue in the Journal of Systems Architecture: Embedded Software Design (JSA), Elsevier (IF = 0.913) - (More details).
The area of critical systems represents intersection of several systems criteria based on dependability properties like availability, reliability, reparability, maintainability, etc. Due to their heterogeneity and variability, critical systems require the expertise of modeling, verification and testing domains to ensure their dependability and safety. The international workshop on moDeling, vErification and Testing of dEpendable CriTical systems (DETECT) will be mainly related to the model-based system engineering paradigm. DETECT aims to create a common community from academia and industry to share best practices, tools and methodologies considering functional and/or non-functional aspects (e.g., scheduling, performance, security, safety, etc.).
This talk introduces a semantic-driven approach intended to manage INDUSTRY 4.0 systems by incrementally including monitoring, analysis, planning and management capabilities within autonomic and cognitive processes able to coordinate and orchestrate Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS). This approach is also intended to cope with the integrability and interoperability challenges of the Internet of Everything actors (data, objects, humans, services) involved in INDUSTRY 4.0 solutions.
Since 2016, Ernesto Exposito is Full Professor at "Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour". Between 2006 and 2016, he worked as Associate Professor at INSA Toulouse and researcher at LAAS/CNRS in Toulouse, France. Between 2004 and 2005, he worked as Researcher at the National ICT Australia Limited (NICTA) research center in Sydney, Australia and he was Conjoint-lecturer at the School of Electrical Engineering and Telecommunications at the University of New South Wales. His research interests include design and development of autonomic and cognitive cyber-physical systems. His current research and teaching activities include design and development of elastic interoperable cloud platforms enabling the integration and interoperability of new generation of the « Internet of Everything » and the « Industry 4.0 ».
Critical systems are emerging research fields where the safety is dependent upon the precise operations of the system. These systems are more and more used in different domains like avionics, railway, healthcare, under several forms (e.g., Cyber Physical Systems, Real-Time Embedded Systems, etc.) and become more complex since they can be networked and composed of heterogeneous subsystems.
Workshop topics include, but not limited to:
DETECT 2019 invites papers in three categories. Submission guidelines for each category of paper are as follows:
Each submitted paper must be original, unpublished and not submitted elsewhere. Contributions should be written in English and be prepared using Springer’s Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) format. Submitted papers will be carefully evaluated by at least three reviewers.
Submissions must be in PDF format and should be made using the DETECT 2019 Easychair site:
Accepted workshop papers will be published by Springer in "Communications in Computer and Information Science".
Accepted and presented papers in DETECT 2019 will be invited for a special issue in the Journal of Systems Architecture: Embedded Software Design (JSA), Elsevier (IF = 0.913). Invited papers must be extended in at least 30% of new material for the journal submission - (More details).
At least one author of each accepted paper must attend the conference to present the work.
For any question, please contact the workshop chairs directly.